Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More Progress

Here is Egyptian Pair or King Tut by Janlynn.

This is Woof Spoken Here by Stitchy Kitty. I used dmc that I had on hand and changed the dog's color a little to look like my dog. I stitched it on a scrap of Aida that I had laying around. I'm planning to put it on a scrapbook cover that will hold all of my pet photos. I was wanting to start something new but I knew that I shouldn't. So I picked out a small thing that I could finish in a day. It is also my first finish for this year.


demeter83 said...

King Tut is absolutely stunning, love it!

Dani - tkdchick said...

King Tut is just awesome!

Congrats on the little doggie finish!