We rescued another Basset about a week ago. We found her nearly starved. You could clearly see the outline of her ribs and backbone. She also had a bone caught in the roof of her mouth and it was really wedged in there tight. The vet had to remove the bone and she said that it had been there for a very long time. We also found out that she is pregnant and has heartwoms pretty bad. We can't treat her for the heartworms till after she has the puppies and is no longer nursing.

You can't really tell how skinny she is in this photo because of the way she is sitting.

This is her after a week of being fed and taken care of. She is starting to fill out more, although you can still see her ribs and backbone but not as much as before.

Here's her close up. She is a really sweet girl. We don't know what her puppies are going to look like or how healthy they will be but we should be finding out soon enough.