Monday, February 18, 2013

Aha! Thanks Jo!

Thanks to Jo who can't think of a clever nickname, I have been able to add my photos. 

Here are my new little chickies who are probably about 1 week old. I didn't order them or hatch them myself otherwise I would know the exact day of their hatch. I got them from our feed store. 
Ameraucanas and Black Australorps.

Oh, and here is my finish! I think it was called Hummingbird (I can't find the cover sheet of the kit right now) by Mill Hill Buttons and Beads kit. I had intended to finish this for a Christmas present for my Mom but it will  do just as nicely for a Mother's Day present. I even got the red frame that they show in the cover photo to go with it.

Hee hee! Here's my "little" green man attempting an escape.

1 comment:

Shebafudge said...

Awww....those chicks are adorable!

I love the fuchsias, which are one of my favourite flowers.