Saturday, January 28, 2012

HaED Progress

Here is my progress on HaED's Fairy Frog Mother.



I lost my working copy of the chart so I had to print up another one. Trying to figure out what had already been stitched and what hadn't was insane. I moved a bunch of stuff to make room for Christmas decorations and now I am having the hardest time finding everything. Sheesh!

Monday, January 23, 2012

TUSAL and Fred

Here are my orts for the TUSAL. I have my jar next to some scrapbooking stuff which is what I've been working on all weekend. My Mom and I pulled out all of our scrapbooking stuff that we have collecting over the years and scrapbooked together. I don't know why but it's just not as fun doing it alone.

Let me introduce "Facebook Fred". We found him on Facebook and he was needing a home. He is so sweet and he seems to like me the best. He follows me everywhere I go. My other male dog, Pete, isn't too happy about it though. They may have to decide who the king of the house is but hopefully they will be friends when it's all over.

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Small Finish

I found this little guy mostly stitched sitting in a drawer. I finished him up last night. This is Phoenix from Dragon Dream's Christmyth series. I actually have this on my Wipocalypse list so even though it didn't take much stitching, I feel like I have accomplished something.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Lots of Happy Dancing

First, I ordered a floor stand so I can stitch on Egypt Garden! I was so excited when the UPS guy rang the doorbell. Now I have no excuse so hopefully we shall see some progress pics soon!

I had stitched Wildflower Hearts back in 2006 thinking it would be a pretty Christmas ornament. However, it's too large to be an ornament. So I made it into a flat fold. This is my first flat fold so I am delighted with how it turned out. I'm not real good at making bows but I think it turned out just fine.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I have eggs! Ha ha! Ok, my chickens have eggs. I should have cleaned them before getting a photo of them but I was just so excited. Right now it's just two but there will be lots more where those came from! I knew they could start laying any day but I was still totally surprised.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

An Ornament Finish

I finished this into an ornament last night. I was experimenting with some leftover quilt binding. It's not perfect by any means but I can live with it. I know it doesn't look very Christmasy but I will be hanging it on my frog tree next Christmas anyway. ETA: The color looks a little off but I'm too lazy to fix it right now. :)

Oh, I found my flossies for my Crescent Moon Dragon last night as well. Now I need to go on a treasure hunt through all my quilting fabrics and find the perfect backing fabric for a flat fold I'm planning.

Monday, January 9, 2012

January's WIPocalypse

I have been working on Tree Frog for WIPocalypse 2012. I would have liked to have had a few more things to show but for some reason, I was thinking that we were supposed to post on the new moon, not full moon. I'm glad I decided to re-read the WIPocalypse FAQs.

I was planning to work on my Crescent Moon Dragon for the Joan Elliot SAL but I have misplaced the floss for it. I had set it aside somewhere to make room for Christmas and now I can't find them. Ha ha such is my life! Meanwhile, I have to decide if I'm going to keep working on Tree Frog, pull out another wip on the list, or start something new.

Friday, January 6, 2012

First Progress Reports

I got a little bit done on my Egyptian Garden. I had planned to get the pyramid section done but holding this project aggravates my carpal tunnel so I had to stop early. I need to get a stitching stand that will hold my extra long scroll rods. I wish they weren't so expensive.

Here's my latest progress on Treefrog. I really love how this is turning out.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Another Post About Chickens

Ok, so a couple of months ago I ordered 25 pullet (female) chicks plus 1 mystery chick from a hatchery and got 2 roosters from my second cousin. As you may remember. We lost 1 rooster and a few of the chicks so now I have 22 chickens and 1 rooster. Or so I thought. As it turns out, 3 of the chickens are roosters. That's 4 roosters in total. I did not need quite that many! Ha ha Oh well. The best I can tell, the mystery chick appears to be a Pheonix rooster so we are calling him Arizona.

By now, I would probably be getting some eggs but since it's winter, they may not lay until spring. I guess we will see. I've been checking every day just in case.