Sunday, March 27, 2011

Snakes and Chickens

These are some cute little snakes that have been living in our flower bed for the past 5 years or so. It is very rare to get a photo of these guys because they are super fast and really shy.

I had to post some more chick photos. They are growing so fast!

I have been stitching over the weekend but no progress photos yet. I have been switching between a RR piece and a new start. It feels good to be stitching again!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Busy, Busy, Spring Break!

I need a break to recover from Spring Break! I have been babysitting a 9 year old, 8 year old, and a 3 month old all week. I am worn out! When they all went home, I managed to plant the garden, clean out the fish pond, and take care of my baby chicks. I also took the two older kids for a hike at our local park to make it up to them for giving so much of my attention to Atticus, my little nephew. Stitching? What's that? Ha ha. No, I haven't even had the time to think about stitching much less the time to pick up a needle. After Atticus goes home Saturday, I plan to take a looong bubble bath and then pamper myself with my cross stitch.

Ok, now for some more photos of my chicks! We put them in their coup that they will be living in to get them used to it. They were a little scared but I think they like it. It's still a little cool at night to keep them out there overnight but hopefully it won't be long. I can't believe how fast they grow! We started with 9 and are now down to 7. I'm hoping we don't lose any more. We may get a few more chicks after we get these grown and in their coup permanently. The white/taupe colored chick has been named Lady Gaga, the black one (Barred Rock) is Medusa, and one of the Rhode Island Reds has been named Jasmine. The others will probably be named soon as well. I want to get a rooster eventually just because I want his cock-a-doodle-dooing to annoy the neighbors. (Evil laugh inserted here)

Friday, March 4, 2011

UFO RR Progress

Here are the Before and After pics of Arthenice's (Catherine) Spring Angel. I was hoping to at least finish the top wing but as I've said before, it's been very hard getting any stitching done.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I think the new moon is tomorrow but I'm going to go ahead and post my TUSAL photo tonight since I don't expect to get much stitching time in before then. It doesn't look like there has been much of a change but that's due to the fact that I've been using the same color, white, all month. Hopefully I'll be adding some other colors to it next month.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We have finally gotten some chicks. We got 6 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Barred Rocks, and 1 Americana. The Barred Rocks (the black ones) are so adorable that I'm thinking we should have gotten more of them.

We have also started working on our garden as well. It's starting to sound like I will have a busy summer doesn't it? Ha ha.

I have not done much stitching lately as you can tell by the lack of updates. What little I have done was on a RR which I still need to do some more on as the mailing date is quickly approaching. I'm having a little trouble with managing my stitching time now that I work 6 days a week. I'm sure I'll figure it out though. No worries.